Make an Appointment

Appointment Request

Appointment Request

After filling out the form, you will be contacted as soon as possible by our team to complete your appointment request. It is important to pay attention to the information you received in the email indicated. 


When we contact to complete your appointment, you must indicate your problem and provide the requested identification data. Everything will be done to schedule on the desired day and time.


During the first appointment a clinical diagnosis is made with the help of a panoramic X-ray. A diagnosis and an intervention proposal, and the corresponding costs, are presented. Following this, the patient will have access to the plan and the number of sessions required.

 In this proposal, the patient has access to the treatment plan and the number of sessions foreseen, being that whenever needed one of these is dedicated to Oral Hygiene.

 The day before your appointment, an SMS message will be sent confirming the appointment and informing you of the approximate time.


Appointment request